Help for your child is just a visit away.

We believe all students deserve success! We offer a wide array of services individualized to ensure the successful learning of all students we are servicing. Due to our experience reaching children at a variety of levels, we are able to accommodate each child and meet them where they are. We meet with parents and discuss all the ways to help their child as we understand parents know their children best. We discuss whether or not the child should receive additional academic services and collaborate to make that happen.

"Allowing a student with a hidden disability (ADHD, Anxiety, Dyslexia) to struggle academically or socially when all that is needed for success are appropriate accommodations and explicit instruction, is no different than failing to provide a ramp for a person in a wheelchair".
Our Space
Athens Educational prioritizes creating a welcoming atmosphere where students feel comfortable to excel. We foster inclusivity and support, ensuring every individual is valued. Our environment empowers students to actively engage in their learning and reach their full potential.